Evolve and elevate the way

you think about money!

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Evolution Financial Coaching serves working women who have a desire to build a solid financial foundation that serves them for years to come.

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Financial stats generally do not work in women’s favor. On average, we make less than our male counterparts, we have more student loan debt, and we save more but invest less, meaning we’re not building wealth. Heck, it’s been only 50 years since women have been able to have their own credit cards. Thanks, RBG!

Evolution Financial Coaching is working to evolve women’s relationship with money, help them build a solid foundation, and create realistic spending plans that give them the freedom and confidence to create their own version of financial independence.

What clients are saying . . .

“Evolution Financial Coaching took us from a disorganized mess to a manageable financial life. We've gone from being panicky and pessimistic to feeling hopeful and in control, with the organized finances to back up our decisions and life choices."  ~ Krissie O. 

Our Services

You may have tried budgeting in the past to no avail. If you got frustrated and have resigned yourself to the fact that budgeting is something you’ll never be good at, know two things: First, you’re not alone. And second, you can be good at budgeting.

Get a clear and complete picture of your current finances with Evolution Financial Coaching and a roadmap to get you where you want to go. My job is to show you how to build the future you want doing the things you love with the money you’re currently making. Yes, you will get a realistic, livable budget, but there’s so much more to financial coaching.  

Financial Coaching also includes:

Planning For Your Future

Whether that is buying a home, having a child, saving for college, traveling the world, or padding your retirement, get a plan for it all.

Goal Setting

Have something to work for that gets you excited.

Maximize Your Benefits

Know you are maximizing all options available to you from your employer.

Debt Management

Figure out the best debt payoff strategy for you and develop a plan to pay it all off.

Passive Income Streams

Learn how you can pad your income and assets beyond your earnings from your 9-to-5 job.

Legacy Planning

See how managing your money today can impact your family and community for generations to come.


I took over the family finances when I was a teenager. My mom, who was a working single parent raising five kids, didn’t have the time or ability to manage our money. We relied on public assistance to make ends meet. I learned about money and changed the way I thought about it, and today I am in a position that teenage me would have never thought possible.

I am on a mission to help other women evolve their relationship with money and gain confidence that they are working toward the future they want.

Client Testimonial

“I have been exploring the idea of expanding my business for a while now. I was definitely feeling overwhelmed until I started working with Laurie. She has taken the time to understand what my needs are and the direction I want to go. From there, she has set me up with a framework that I can easily work with and adapt to. “

~ Maureen S.